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Getting to Gnome You Quilt Challenge: Challenge Quilt Competition: - Rules are specific to this competition.  Click here for details.

Utah Quilt Guild Quilt Show Rules – 2024 Getting to Gnome You

  A quilt is defined as having three distinct layers – a top, middle and backing.  Quilting stitches must penetrate all three layers and be visible on the back.  Quilt edge must be finished with some sort of binding or facing.  Art quilts may contain some areas with fewer layers of materials.  Quilts perimeters must be between 40" (10"x10") and 480"(120"x120"). This year there are eight classes for the adult portion of the competition.  There are no separate categories for pieced, modern, applique, etc.  All quilts in a class will be judged against the other quilts in that class.


Freshman - To Encourage (Solo Artist) – Those entering a major (75+ quilts) quilt show for the 1st time OR Those with 10 or less years of quilting AND 4 or less Award Points (as listed below.)  The quilt was entirely prepared by the single artist.
Freshman - To Encourage  (Joint Artist) – Those entering a major (75+ quilts) quilt show for the 1st time OR Those with 10 or less years of quilting AND 4 or less Award Points (as listed below.) The top is prepared by the submitting artist and there was assistance in either the making of the top, or in the quilting of the quilt. Quilt top maker(s) may have significant input into how the top is quilted. A maximum of 2 people participated in the creation of the quilt.

Sophomore - To Promote (Solo Artist) – Those with 11-20 years of quilting AND 4 or less Award Points (as listed below.) This top is prepared by the submitting artist and was quilted by the top maker.  The quilt was entirely prepared by the single artist.

Sophomore - To Promote (Joint Artist) – Those with 11-20 years of quilting AND 4 or less Award Points (as listed below.)  This top is prepared by the submitting artist(s) and was quilted by one of the top makers, or someone else.  Quilt top maker(s) may have significant input into how the top is quilted.  A maximum of 2 people participated in the creation of the quilt.

Junior - To Preserve (Solo Artist) – Those with 20+ years of quilting AND 4 or less Award Points (as listed below.) This top is prepared by the submitting artist and was quilted by the top maker.  The quilt was entirely prepared by the single artist.

Junior - To Preserve (Joint Artist) – Those with 20+ years of quilting AND 4 or less Award Points (as listed below.))  This top is prepared by the submitting artist(s) and was quilted by one of the top makers, or someone else.  Quilt top maker(s) may have significant input into how the top is quilted.  A maximum of 2 people participated in the creation of the quilt.

Senior - To Inspire (Solo Artist) – Those who have 5 or more Award Points (as listed below). The quilt was entirely prepared by the single artist.

Senior - To Inspire (Joint Artist) – Those who have 5 or more Award Points (as listed below).  This quilt is prepared by the submitting artist(s) and was quilted by one of the top makers, or someone else.  Quilt top maker(s) may have significant input into how the top is quilted.  A maximum of 2 people participated in the creation of the quilt.

Group:  The quilt was made by 3 or more people.

Youth (up to age 18):  Must be 18 and under as of October 1, 2023

AWARD POINTS:  Based on Quilt Shows of 75+

Give 1 Award Point for each award received.
     Award of Excellence in Class or Category
     2nd or 3rd Place in Class or Category
     Best of Show in the State Fair (Regular blue ribbons are not counted)
Give 2 Award Points for each award received.
     Best of Class or Category
     1st Place in Class or Category
     Best of Show
     Juried into National Show

Fairness Clause:  If you have years of experience in an area related to quilting, please bump yourself up a class if your skill level indicates you should.

Experience may include but is not limited to: sewing experience without quilting, quilt shop ownership, pattern production, professional quilt show judge, professional quilting and teaching.

This is an honor system.   It is always okay to enter a more experienced class than the chart indicates.

The Co-chairmen of the Quilt Show have the final say on which class a quilt is entered and may change the class that was entered to another as needed to allow all classes to participate.


Entry Category Definitions: Ribbons and monetary prizes will be awarded in each judged class listed above.

Please select the best class for your quilt entry.  You must select a single class for each quilt you enter.  Each person is only allowed to enter TWO quilts total to be judged.  (Be aware your two quilts may compete against each other if they are in the same class.)  The number of prizes awarded in each class will be based on the percentage of entries in that class.

In addition to the awards based on percentages of quilts entered in each class above, ribbons and monetary awards will be provided for the following. 

  •        Best of Show:  Quilt judges deem as Best of Show
  •        Best Solo Artist – Freshman: Quilt judges deem as Best Solo Artist by a Freshman
  •        Best Solo Artist – SophomoreQuilt judges deem as Best Solo Artist by a Sophomore
  •        Best Solo Artist – Junior: Quilt judges deem as Best Solo Artist by a Junior
  •        Best Solo Artist – Senior: Quilt judges deem as Best Solo Artist by a Senior
  •        Best Joint Artist – Freshman:  Quilt judges deem as Best Joint Artist by a Freshman
  •        Best Joint Artist – Sophomore:  Quilt judges deem as Best Joint Artist by a Sophomore
  •         Best Joint Artist – Junior: Quilt judges deem as Best Joint Artist by a Junior
  •         Best Joint Artist – Senior:  Quilt judges deem as Best Joint Artist by a Senior
  •         Best Youth Artist = Youth under 18:  Quilt judges deem as Best Youth Artist by Youth under 18.
  •         Best Group Artist - Group:  Quilt judges deem as Best Group Artist by Group of 3 or more.
  •        Jean Christensen Founders Award for Hand Quilting:  Quilt judges deem as best hand quilting
  •        Patsy Shelton Award: Quilt selected by family or friends of Patsy that best reflects Patsy’s love of purple, flowers, and embellishments.  This award may be selected from Display Only quilts as well as judged quilts.
  •        Viewer’s Choice: Quilt that has the most votes from the Quilt Show attendees


In addition to the awards above, ribbon only awards will be provided for the following categories:

  •        Judge’s Choice:  Personal favorite of the judges.  Each judge selects one quilt
  •        National Teachers’ Choice:  Personal favorite of the National Teacher.  Each teacher selects one quilt.

Quilt Show Rules continued:

  •        A quilt maker may submit up to two quilts for judging. A third quilt as an exhibit only may also be submitted.
  •        Quilts must have been completed in the last three years and be clean.
  •        No tied quilts will be accepted for judging.  They may be submitted for exhibit only.
  •        Please give credit where credit is due.  You will be asked to provide your design source (pattern, magazine, workshop or original design, for example).  All persons involved in the making of the quilt must be listed in the appropriate sections of the registration form, including who constructed the quilt and who quilted the quilt.  A group of three or more quilters involved in making of the quilt should be registered in the group category, this includes the top makers and the quilter(s).
  •        Entries without sleeves will not be displayed.  If the quilt is submitted without a sleeve, the entry fee will be forfeited.
  •        You must be a UQG member to enter the Quilt Show.  The first entry will be free.  After the first entry, there is a $15 charge for each remaining entry, with a limit of two competition entries and one display entry.
  •        Youth entries will be $5 and do not have to be members.
  •        It is up to the individual to insure their quilts.  The UQG Quilt Show does NOT insure quilts.
  •        The first 100 people to enter quilts will receive a gift bag.
  •        Place each entry in a separate disposable bag (paper or plastic).  Your name and the name of the quilt must be identified on the bag.  A stapled paper copy of the entry form is allowed – please make sure that your name and quilt name are legible.
  •        Each quilt MUST have a fabric label on the back of the quilt stating (as a minimum) your name and the title of the quilt.
  •        Each quilt MUST have its own entry form.
  •        Only the quilt owner or the person designated to pick up the quilt listed on the entry form will be allowed to pick up the quilt after the show on Saturday, October 14, 2023.  Pickup will be at the Quilt Show doors late Saturday afternoon.  For security purposes, only the assigned Quilt Show Volunteers will take down the quilts and distribute them.  *No quilts will be released early.