403-23: Longarm for Business or Play - Renae Haddadin (Quilts on the Corner)
Are you wanting to purchase a longarm for business? or do you prefer to quilt your own quilts. Renae will discuss the options for both to help you discover if this could be your next, best job ever. What does it take to quilt for customers? What machine would be best for business or play? How do I decide if this is for me? Would a computerized machine or freehand machine suit my needs best? This is a free class for registered participants, but please register before as there are a limited number of seats and materials are available.
Skill Details:
All skill levels
Instructor Name:
Renae Haddadin (Quilts on the Corner)
Instructor Bio:
Email: ambracken879@gmail.com
403-23: Longarm for Business or Play - Renae Haddadin (Quilts on the Corner)