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We need everyone's help to make Quilt Fest a success -- Thank you!
Have a couple hours?  We need your help.

Volunteer Sign up for 2 hour shifts & Teacher's Pet - Click here
Volunteer for Quilt Show at bottom of page.

Volunteers keep Quilt Fest running smoothly. Could you be one of these wonderful helpers? Volunteer for one (or more) two-hour shift any time during Sew Many Stars, aka Quilt Fest 2023.

Quilty Friends, The best part of Quilt Fest is taking classes, meeting new friends, and reconnecting with old friends but the event can't take place without your help. Please consider spending a little bit of your time serving our Guild.

Help is especially needed at the Quilt Show entrance and other areas. If you can spare two hours to sit at a station it would be greatly appreciated.

There are a number of twinkling areas that could use your help - selling tickets for the opportunity quilt; at the Quilt Show entrance; taking luncheon tickets; and (the ever popular) Teacher's Pet (see below). Help is also needed to set up and take down the quilt show.

For instructions on how to sign up, scroll to the bottom of this page. We do appreciate our volunteers and we could not have a successful Quilt Fest without them! 

Volunteer Sign up for 2 hour shifts & Teacher's Pet - Click here

Volunteer for Quilt Show at bottom of page.


Short on time? Calling all Teacher's Pets

If you only have a few minutes to spare, consider serving as a Teacher's Pet in your class by taking the role and helping your instructor, if needed.

Each class has a registered student who also serves as the class’s Teacher's Pet.  They help take care of glitches and administrative details so the instructor can concentrate on, well,

If you are the Teacher's Pet for your class, here is what you will do: 

Arrive early!

At the Front Desk pick up the attendance sheet for your class. The Front Desk is where you will report any problems in your class - student registrations, room temperature, malfunctioning irons, missing ironing boards etc.

Introduce yourself to the teacher when you get to your classroom. Ask if there’s any way you can help her. You will be needed to help set up the quilt stand (a two-person job). In general, you are NOT responsible for setting up the classroom, but you may help if asked.

Class Fees: Ask if you can collect any class-related fees.

Attendance: Check names on students’ lanyards against those on your attendance sheet. Be sure all students are in the correct class with the right instructor. If not, refer them to the front desk.

Name tags/ Lanyards: Remind students to wear their name tags at all times during class.

Auditing is NOT permitted. All people in the classroom must be fully registered.

Setting Up: If there are students who need extra help in setting up their space, you may offer to help. You may want to set up your own equipment first.

Remember: Being a Teacher's Pet should not impact your classwork. If the instructor seems too demanding or disorganized, please inform the registration desk. More help may be needed.

Questionnaires: At the conclusion of the class, distribute questionnaire forms. Collect them and leave them with the people at the front desk.

Above all, be kind and considerate to all in the class. With your help this experience will be a positive memory for everyone - including YOU! 

Volunteer at Quilt Fest! You'll be glad you did!!  

Volunteer Sign up for 2 hour shifts & Teacher's Pet - Click here

Volunteer for Quilt Show at bottom of page.

Volunteer for Quilt Show Judging, Set up and Take down

Volunteer to help judging on Monday Aug. 19 from 9:00 - 4:00, install the Quilt Show on Tuesday Aug. 20 from Noon to 5:00 pm and /or take down Saturday Aug. 24 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm.