Click here to download a pdf copy of the Quilt Show Entry Form, if you prefer
Utah Quilt Guild
Quilt Show Rules - 2021
Discover The Artist Within
A Quilt is defined as having three distinct layers—a top, middle and backing. Quilting stitches must penetrate all three layers and be visible on the back. Quilt edge must be finished with some sort of binding or facing.
This year there are four classes for the adult portion of the competition:
Challenger (Solo Artist) – Someone who quilts primarily as a hobby. This can include someone who does a lot of charity work. This also includes anyone that has not previously won a first or second place award at a prior Quilt Fest, Springville, or nationally recognized show. State fair or county fair awards are allowed.
Challenger (Joint Artist) – Someone who quilts primarily as a hobby. This can include someone who does a lot of charity work. This also includes anyone that has not previously won a first or second place award at a prior Quilt Fest, Springville, or nationally recognized show (such as Utah Quilting and Sewing Marketplace, UQSM, formerly HMQS). State fair or county fair awards are allowed. The quilt top is prepared by the submitting artist, and was quilted by someone else. Quilt top maker may have significant input into how the top is quilted.
Champion (Solo Artist) – Someone who has previously won a first or second place award at Quilt Fest, or a nationally recognized show. This category also includes anyone who is a professional in the quilting industry. Professionals include those who quilt for hire, develop and sell patterns, teach classes, professional quilting show judges, etc.
Champion (Joint Artist) – Someone who has previously won a first or second place award at Quilt Fest, or a nationally recognized show. This category also includes anyone who is a professional in the quilting industry. Professionals include those who quilt for hire, develop and sell patterns, teach classes, professional quilting show judges, etc. The quilt top is prepared by the submitting artist, and was quilted by someone else. Quilt top maker may have significant input into how the top is quilted.
Please select the best category for your quilt entry. You must select a single category for each quilt you enter. Each person is only allowed to enter one quilt in each category. Therefore, if you are entering two quilts, they must be in two different categories. Entrants are responsible for choosing the best category, however, the Utah Quilt Guild (UQG) Quilt Show committee and judges reserve the right to change the category of the quilt if deemed necessary for any reason. The UQG show committee reserves the right to eliminate any category if the number of entrants in the category is less than 5. Quilts submitted into an eliminated category will be moved to a different category.
Entry Category Definitions:
Ribbons and monetary prizes to be awarded in each category listed below:
Pieced (Challenger Solo/Joint and Champion Solo/Joint): Pieced construction predominates with a perimeter of at least 120". Minimal applique or other embellishments are allowed.
Applique (Challenger Solo/Joint and Champion Solo/Joint): Primarily pieced construction with a perimeter of at least 120”. Some piecing and minimal other embellishments are allowed.
Small wall hanging (Challenger Solo and Champion Solo): Any technique, with a perimeter less than 120”. May be considered a “miniature” quilt or may be a small art type or mixed technique quilt. Only Solo Artist submissions will be accepted into this category.
Mixed/Special Technique (Challenger Solo/Joint and Champion Solo/Joint): A quilt where a fairly even amount of multiple techniques are used to develop a design of the top. An example (but not limited to) would be a quilt with applique and piecing where neither technique dominates. Or a quilt where embroidery, cross-stitch, etc. are used. many times this has at least 3 techniques or lots of special embellishments (such as crystals). Typically this is a more “traditional” quilt, and the quilt does not otherwise fit into the Art Quilt category. Perimeter is at least 120”.
Art/Innovative Quilt (Challenger Solo and Champion Solo): An ORIGINAL work of visual fiber art. Quilt will be judged on artistic merit, design and detailed quilting. Addition of beads, buttons or other objects will be acceptable providing they are securely attached, and the quilt may be hung with minimal care. Only Solo Artist submissions will be accepted into this category.
Modern (Challenger Solo/Joint and Champion Solo/Joint): Quilt may feature high contrasting colors, minimalism, improvisational piecing, expansive negative space and/or non-traditional layouts. Perimeter is at least 120”.
Group Quilt: A quilt that involves three or more persons in its completion. Involves all techniques as well as quilting by a person other than the makers of the top. Note – this category only has one award level.
Youth up to age 15: Must be 15 and under as of 9/15/2020. Quilt may be quilted by someone other than the quilt top maker.
Youth 16-18: Must be age 16-18 as of 9/15/2020. Quilt may be quilted by someone other than the quilt top maker.
In addition to the categories above, ribbons and monetary awards will be provided for the following.
If a quilt is selected as a “Best of” winner, it will not receive an award from the originating category.
Best of Show: Quilt judges deem as Best of Show
Best Solo Artist Challenger: Quilt judges deem as Best Solo Artist by a Challenger
Best Solo Artist Champion: Quilt judges deem as Best Solo Artist by a Champion
Best Joint Artist Challenger: Quilt judges deem as Best Joint Artist by a Challenger
Best Joint Artist Champion: Quilt judges deem as Best Joint Artist by a Champion
Jean Christensen Founders Award for Hand Quilting: Quilt judges deem as best hand quilting
Patsy Shelton Award: Quilt selected by friends of Patsy that best reflects Patsy's love of purple, flowers, and embellishments. This award may be selected from Display Only quilts.
Viewers Choice: Quilt that has the most votes from the Quilt show attendees
In addition, to the awards above, Ribbon only awards will be provided for the following categories.
Judge’s Choice: Personal favorite of the judges. Each judge selects one quilt.
National Teacher’s Choice: Personal favorite of the National Teacher. Each National Teacher selects one quilt.
Entry Form is after the rules and quilt show information: scroll down.
There are 3 steps to the entry process, remember at the end, to submit a picture and pay for your entry.
Quilt Show Rules
- A quilt maker may submit up to two quilts for competition. The quilts must not be submitted for judging in the same category. If more than one entry is received for the same category, the second quilt will be moved to an exhibit only category, and the fee will be forfeited. A third quilt as an exhibit only, may also be submitted.
- Quilts must have been completed in the last three years and be clean.
- No tied or Tricot quilt will be accepted for judging. They can be submitted for Exhibit only.
- Please give credit where credit is due. You will be asked to provide you design source (pattern, magazine, workshop, or original design, for example). All persons involved in the making of the quilt must be listed in the appropriate sections of the registration form, including who constructed the quilt and who quilted the quilt. A group of three or more quilters involved in the making of the quilt should be registered in the group category, this includes the top makers and the quilter(s)..
- Entries without sleeves will not be displayed. If the quilt is submitted without a sleeve, the entry fee will be forfeited. (Instructions on how to make a sleeve are below--scroll down.)
- There will be a $10 charge for each entry for UQG members, limit of two competition entries per person. Youth entries will be $5 per entry. The fee for non-UQG members will be $15 per entry. Quilts for display only will be $5 per entry. Please note, it is up to the individual to insure their quilts, the show does not insure the quilts.
- Place each entry in a separate, disposable bag (paper or plastic). Your name and the name of the quilt must be identified on the bag. (Stapled paper copy of entry form is allowed, use a separate piece of paper to identify your name or the name of the quilt.)
- Each quilt must have a fabric label on the back of the quilt stating your name and the title of the quilt.
- Each quilt must have its own entry form.
- Only the person designated to pick up the quilt listed on the entry for or the quilt owner will be allowed to pick up the quilt after the show on Saturday September 18, 2021. Pick up will begin at approximately 3:30pm at the lobby door to the Stratus room. For security purposes, only the assigned quilt show volunteers will take down the quilts and distribute them. (To sign up to volunteer to help take down the show, see the volunteer information page of the brochure or website.)
All entry paperwork and a photograph of the quilt must reach the Quilt Show Coordinator by August 14, 2021. The easiest way to enter is online (see link below). A picture of your entry will need to be uploaded, so have it ready when you begin the entry process.
- Log onto the site and then click the quilt show link on the first page of the website. The entry form will pop up (or use the link below).
- Fill out the form, upload your picture, type in your quilt story and click “submit”. Your quilt will be entered in the show. You will receive an e-mail receipt. If you don't, please email Sharon Wright ( so she can confirm that your entry was complete. Be sure to follow the directions to pay by credit card. Or you may mail your check, made out to the Utah Quilt Guild to: Sharon Wright, Quilt Fest Quilt Show, 970 S. Settlement Rd., Woodland Hills, Utah, 84653
- We are aware that the website is finicky. If you have trouble entering your quilt online, you are not alone. You can contact Sharon to finish the entry process if it acts up. We can accept texts of the pictures of the quilt if needed. If you don't get a receipt, contact Sharon and she can tell you if your entry was completed. you may need to take a picture of your entry form and submit it via postal (paper) mail. If it's close to the deadline, please make sure you email or somehow convey your information and intent to Sharon so you are submitted prior to the deadline.
Quilts must reach the Quilt Show Coordinator, Sharon Wright, between August 19 and September 4. 2021. We will identify local quilt shops that will be accepting quilts for the quilt show in the July and August Beelines. If you need additional help, contact your UQG Area Representative. Contact information is in the Beeline and online at Your Area Representative may be able to help deliver your entry. Please make arrangements ahead of the deadline with her. You may also mail your quilt to: Sharon Wright, Quilt Fest Quilt Show, 970 S. Settlement Rd., Woodland Hills, Utah, 84653
AWARDS PRESENTATION: The awards will be presented on Wednesday at lunch. The show will open Wednesday morning, and ribbons will be placed after lunch on Wednesday. Viewers Choice will be awarded at the Saturday luncheon.
ENTRY PICK-UP: The quilt show will end at 2:00 pm on Saturday, September 18, 2021. You may pick up your quilt after approximately 3:30 pm at the lobby door to the Stratus Room. To prove ownership, please have identification or a copy of your entry form.
ANY QUESTIONS? Please contact Louise Mudd at or 801-771-9379 (leave a message if no answer) or Sharon Wright at or 801-318-4075.
Checklist for Entering a Quilt in the Quilt Show
1 – Read the quilt show rules in the QuiltFest Brochure or click here
2 – Send your entry form to the by August 15, 2020. If you are submitting electronically, you will want to retain a copy of your entry form.
3 – Have your quilt completed with proper sleeve and label. (Scroll down for directions on how to make a sleeve.)
4 – When delivering your quilt, make sure that your name and the name of your quilt is legible from the outside of the bag. Paper or plastic bags please. You will not get back the same bag you delivered your quilt in.
5. – Deliver your quilt(s) to selected shops before September 4, 2020 (shops will be identified in the July and August Beeline) or you can mail or deliver your quilts to Sharon Wright between August 20 and September 5 to: Sharon Wright, 970 S. Settlement Rd., Woodland Hills, UT 84653. If you are delivering in person, please call first to make sure Sharon is at home; 801-318-4075.
Remember, the show will end on Saturday September 19, 2020. You may pick up your quilt after 3:30 pm, at the lobby entrance to the Stratus room. Please bring identification with you to pick up your quilt.
There are 3 steps to the entry process,
remember at the end, to submit a picture and pay for your entry.
Step #1
By submitting this quilt show entry you agree to the following: I have read the quilt show information and rules. I agree to abide by the quilt show rules. I verify that the information provided is accurate and complete. I give permission for my quilt to be photographed and some images will be available for viewing on the UQG website. I understand that I will be credited for the creation of my quilt but that there will be no financial compensation. I agree to abide by the Judges’ decisions, which shall be final.
Click here to be taken to the Quilt Show Entry Form Online
Click here to download a pdf copy of the Quilt Show Entry Form
After you register your quilt (either online or by mail), save a picture of your quilt on your computer, name it - YOUR NAME & QUILT NAME.
Email a picture of your quilt to
Step-by-steps instructions for adding a sleeve:
1. Cut a strip of fabric 9" wide by the width of your quilt. Fold the ends in twice (¼" and ¼" again) to finish each end of the sleeve. Stitch using a scant ¼" seam allowance. Press the long sides of the sleeve so they meet in the center. It helps to fold the sleeve in half lengthwise first and press to give you a center crease. When you press the sides to the center, you’ll press those creases out –they just give an easy guide without measuring or marking.
2. Fold right sides together and stitch ¼" seam on the long edge of the sleeve. Turn the sleeve right-side out.
3. You may need to repress the fold lines –you’ll need those for attaching the sleeve to your quilt. This is the step that provides the give needed in the sleeve.
4. Center the sleeve on the top back of the quilt. The sleeve's side edges should fall just the quilt binding. Place sleeve between ¼" and 3/4" from the top of the quilt. If your quilt has a scalloped edge, it may flop down if the sleeve is attached too low on the back. Blind stitch sleeve to the quilt back along the top edge. If this quilt is for display only, the sleeve may be pinned onto the back of the quilt.
5. Don't forget to label your quilt. Include your name, the title of the quilt. If you want, you can add a story and a date for your quilt.
Miniature Quilts:
Miniature quilts are pinned on drapes and do not need to have a sleeve applied to the back of the quilt.
If you are not a member of the Utah Quilt Guild, you can join now and save on the Quilt Show entry fee. Click the on link for membership below.