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Quilt Fest 2024, AUGUST 20-24, 2024

At the Davis Conference Center, Layton, UT

Instructor Application Information
(scroll down for form ... it's at the bottom of this page!)

Application Deadline for 
Quilt Fest 2024 is JANUARY 5, 2024


The Utah Quilt Guild Quilt Fest Committee is now accepting applications from teachers for Quilt Fest 2024.   If you have a class you would like to teach, we encourage you to submit your application.  Applications are due by JANUARY 5, 2024.  Stretch your imagination and design a class/project that is unique, original, and yes, out of the box and beyond.  Classes may focus on techniques, tips or projects. Lecture/Demo and Technique classes are in high demand.
Please review the following information prior to completing your application.  Do not procrastinate, time is of the essence.


National Teachers:

National Teachers for Quilt Fest are: 
Helen Godden
Annette Orenalas Southwind Designs  Southwind Quilts

Please visit their websites and try not to duplicate their projects or techniques.



Teacher Compensation:
Compensation for instructors who are UQG members:
• For 1½-hour lecture - $100
• For 3-hour class - $150
• For 6-hour class - $300
 We would not want to cancel your class, so PLEASE advertise yourself and your class you will be teaching at Quilt Fest via Social Media and word of mouth! 
Non-UQG members will receive $20 less per class or lecture. If your membership has expired we encourage you to renew ASAP so you will get the best benefits.  Team Teachers will split the pay as outlined above.  We do not include travel or hotel for applicants.

Be a current member of the Utah Quilt Guild to receive better compensation.

Have prior teaching experience.

Do not submit a proposed class that you recently have taught.  If previously taught, please identify when and where.

Plan for a class length of either 3 or 6 hours.  Lectures should last approximately 1 ½ hours.

Decide which level of student will be most successful in your class. (Confident Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, or All Levels)


Application and Picture:
Submit as many applications as you wish.  Use one form per submittal.

Class Description:
Please limit the class description to 200 words for use on the web site.  This will appear in the brochure as how you submitted.   Make the class description fun and interesting.

Short Description: 
Please use 1-2 sentences to provide a teaser to encourage attendees to click on your class description for the full description.

Relate it to the QuiltFest Theme (Getting to Gnome You) and emphasize the goal of the class.

Include a picture of your project with your application, even if it is a mystery.  A printed picture is acceptable for the selection process if you mail your application in lieu of emailing.   However, a clear digital picture (jpg format) must be submitted to: immediately upon notification that your class has been selected.  
Name your digital picture as FIRST AND LAST NAME and THE CLASS NAME.  ie:  "JANE DOW HOW TO BUST YOUR STASH"
Poor picture quality is a deterrent for the selection process by both the committee and prospective students. 


Supply List:

Limit supplies—classes do not fill if you require too many supplies.  Include everything that is needed during your class time, and do not list non-essential items.  Avoid frustration and added expense to your students.

Use BSK (Basic Sewing Kit) for the following on your supply list: (notebook, pen, pencil, eraser & sharpener, 6x12 or 8 ½ x12 ruler, paper scissors, fabric scissors, needles, thread, straight pins, fabric markers (light & dark), thimble, chocolate).  

Patterns and Kits
If your class requires a pattern, you should plan to provide copies of the pattern for students or inform them where to obtain the pattern. If you are requiring a kit, it is your responsibility to provide it. You are also responsible for collecting pattern and/or kit fees during class - these fees are NOT collected during registration. We suggest that you set your pattern/kit fees in whole dollar amounts, and remind you that you will have to provide adequate change for students as they pay these fees in class. If you do not include a kit or pattern fee in the brochure, students will not be required to pay.


Copyright Laws:

Copyrighted material can be used only with written permission from the owner.  This is true for books, magazines, patterns, and previous classes you may have taken and are proposing to teach.  There is NO exception to this law and the Utah Quilt Guild will not be responsible if you violate copyright laws.  Be sure to get permission to use any pattern that is not your original pattern.

Class sizes:
Classes are limited to 20 students. We do not plan to cancel any class offered, so if your class is selected, please help us find students for your class. If you need us to accommodate smaller class sizes, please contact Leanna Stauffer.


Teacher Availability and Special Needs:

Please indicate all times you will be available to each on the application form.  The more days you can teach, your class will have a better chance of being selected.  Please note:  your class could be scheduled for an evening slot.  After classes are chosen, we schedule them according to type and rooms available.  Changing the schedule is not possible. 

Please note any other information that may be beneficial for class selection.

If you have health issues or special needs, please provide that information at the time of class proposal so the UQG can better accommodate your needs.

Supplies Provided in Classrooms:

1. Each classroom is supplied with white board & markers, a 6’ or 8’ table and chair for instructor, two irons and ironing surfaces, and one or two cutting stations. Quilt stands will be in short supply this year so you should not plan on one being provided in the classroom.
2. UQG does not provide digital projectors, screens, computers, or microphones in classrooms. As the instructor, you need to provide your own computer and AV equipment for Power Point programs.

Please do not rearrange tables and chairs without prior permission.  Classroom to be left in same condition as you found it.


Steps to submitting a class proposal:

Read the instructions, then fill in the application.  Be sure to email a digital jpg picture of your class.

Fill out the form below to enter a class.

Email the digital jpg picture of your class project to:  If you need to print the form and fill it out manually, please mail the form and a clear picture of your class to: Quilt Fest 2024 - Local Teachers, PO Box 375 Magna, UT 84044.  If you have any questions, please call or text 801-548-0824.

Class selection is a complicated process which involves balancing techniques, projects, classroom availability and skill levels.  If your proposal is not selected it is not a reflection of either you or your project.  You will be notified of the committee’s decision.

Thank You    

Quilt Fest Teacher Application

Form to submit applications to teach at Quilt Fest. Please do not use contractions or symbols ie: appostrophes, inch symbol, etc. The web substitutes in gibberish on our reports. Thanks.